Incidents are events. An event is an incident if it is potentially disturbing the unobstructed functioning of a system. A regulatory document lists a collection of incidents of interest for a given life or work context. For each incident of interest, the document usually describes measures for prevention and measures for handling an occurring incident. To know, which incidents are actually of interest in a certain scenario and which measures are effectively applicable, is the result of experience collected in the past. A key to access this tacit knowledge is to identify parts of the document corresponding to incidents and measures, as well as to find a metric to make them comparable within a certain context. These considerations will be re ected in the case structure presented in the following


Incidents are events. An event is an incident if it is potentially disturbing the unobstructed functioning of a system. A regulatory document lists a collection of incidents of interest for a given life or work context. For each incident of interest, the document usually describes measures for prevention and measures for handling an occurring incident. To know, which incidents are actually of interest in a certain scenario and which measures are effectively applicable, is the result of experience collected in the past. A key to access this tacit knowledge is to identify parts of the document corresponding to incidents and measures, as well as to find a metric to make them comparable within a certain context. These considerations will be re ected in the case structure presented in the following


Measures are activites, that aim to prevent incidents or their consequences. Prentive measures are taken before incidents happen. Reactive measures are taken after incidents happen.